Are You FTP’ing Files to z/OS Securely? Attend our Demo-Filled Webinar
Tectia SSH webinar – May 10, 2023
Securing inbound file transfers to z/OS via SFTP
We will be demonstrating the following concepts using Tectia SSH:
- Storing files directly into z/OS datasets (no staging of files in a zFS file system)
- Configuring and using File transfer profiles to simplify upload transfers to z/OS
- Transferring z/OS GDG’s
- FTP subcommands vs SFTP commands
Join us for this 30-minute webinar on Wednesday, May 10 at 1:00PM CT.
Featured Presenter
Colin van der Ross, Sr. Systems Engineer, has been with Software Diversified Service for 14 years. His experience ranges from TCPIP, Network Management, Security and Network performance solutions. Prior to working for SDS, Colin was a Systems Programmer at a large bank for more than 20 years.
Tectia® SSH can act as both a Server (inbound to z/OS) and Client (outbound from z/OS). Recently, due to compliance and security requirements, SDS has seen an uptick on customers wanting to transfer files securely to the mainframe.
However, the migration of scripts on distributed servers to SFTP command syntax can be a daunting task for customers. In this webinar, we plan to demonstrate how customers can use Tectia SSH to send files from distributed platforms to z/OS and how easy the migration process is when using File Transfer profiles.
We will cover and demonstrate the following topics:
- Storing files directly into z/OS datasets (no staging of files in a zFS file system)
- Configuring and using File transfer profiles to simplify upload transfers to z/OS
- Transferring z/OS GDG’s
- FTP subcommands vs SFTP commands
This webinar is sponsored by Software Diversified Services (SDS).

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